A red apple with the words `` quality care services '' written on it.

Meal Reimbursement

Meal Reimbursement for Childcare Providers

Supporting Childcare Providers

As a sponsor of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), we make it easy for childcare providers to receive reimbursement for the nutritious meals and snacks they serve to children. Whether you’re running a home daycare or a childcare center, our team is here to help you through every step of the process to ensure you receive the full reimbursement you’re entitled to.

How It Works

Meal Reimbursement Process

Participating in the CACFP program allows eligible providers to claim reimbursement for up to two meals and one snack, or one meal and two snacks per child, per day. We guide you through the application and claim process to make sure your meals meet the required standards for reimbursement.

  • Home Daycare Providers: You may be reimbursed for meals based on your tier level (Tier 1 or Tier 2), determined by factors such as location or provider income.
  • Childcare Centers: Reimbursement is based on the number of children served and their eligibility status (Free, Reduced, or Paid).

Current Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement rates are updated annually, and below are the current rates for the period of July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. These rates ensure providers can offer high-quality meals without financial strain.

(These rates will change every July)

Home Daycare Providers

Meal Type Tier 1 Tier 2






Snack $0.93


​Tier 1 – A maximum of $7.23 per child per day reimbursement is allowed for each Tier 1 child​

Tier 2 – A maximum of $4.06 per child per day reimbursement is allowed for each Tier 2 child

Home Provider Tiering Status will be determined by Quality Care Services, Inc. staff using one of the following: Public School Boundary, Census Tract, Census Averaging, Provider Income, Parent Income

Childcare Center

Meal Type Free Reduced Paid












Cash in Lieu will be provided for Lunch/Dinner meals. Click here for details

​Childcare Centers are reimbursed typically within the following month with reimbursement provided on the by the last day of the following month.

Be sure to allow 5-7 days for processing.

Income Eligibility

Home Daycare Providers

Tier II Providers:

  • You may choose to be a Tier II- MIX Provider, which means some families may qualify for the Tier I rate of reimbursement. 
  • A different Income Eligibility Form is used and can be found here.

Family Income Eligibility Form – click here

Tier I Providers:

  • You may want to complete the Income Form if you are wanting to consider your own child for reimbursement.
  • Providers may only count their own child when a daycare child is present.

Provider Income Eligibility Form – click here

Childcare Center

Paid Participants:

  • After Parent/Guardian has completed the Enrollment Form, if you determined they are in the Paid Category based upon the information listed, the use of the Income Eligibility Guidelines is not needed.
  • All enrolled participants MUST have the Center Enrollment Form Completed.

Center Enrollment Form – click here

Free and Reduced Participants:

  • After Parent/Guardian has completed the Enrollment Form, if you feel they may qualify for Free or Reduced Meals based upon the Income Listed, refer to these income guidelines.

Free and Reduced Income Guidelines – click here

Help Us Feed More Children!

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Reach out today and let us know how we can support you. Whether you have questions or need more information, we’re here to help every step of the way.

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